Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Paradigm Shift in Television Viewing

Well, it's been awhile since I've made a post.  Don't know what it was the last couple of months. It started out with a violent cold.  I just didn't have the energy.  Once I was better, I had just moved on to other things.  But I'm thinking it's time to bring the Stream back. 

First - An article from the New York Times regarding a change in TV ratings and what could possibly be to blame.  Take a quick read and see if you come to the same conclusion that I do:  It's a GREAT TIME  to get into streaming!

Prime-Time Ratings Bring Speculation of a Shift in Habits

Now on to the Stream!

TV Spotlight

Who doesn't like a good Scandal? Well the folks at ABC have a new show out that focuses on just that...that everyone's dirty little secrets come out.  The main character Olivia Pope plays a former politico/fixer who used to work for the President...and you can just imagine the skeletons she's kept in his closet!

I've been really impressed with ABC this last year...Starting with Once Upon a Time, the Ashley Judd show Missing, and now Scandal.

Check it out HERE!

That's it for tonight guys!  See you down the road!