Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Change of Direction

So...The Late Night Stream is looking to be headed in a change of direction.  I originally started this blog with the intention of spreading the word and wonders of streaming tv and movies.  But I get the sense that even though this is a hugely growing market, I may have backed myself into a corner and there's just so much more I want to write about.  So...with our eyes set to the future, The Late Night Stream will be focusing more on the "Late Night" and a little less on the "Stream".

What do you mean?

I'm glad you asked!  Having worked the night shift for the last 4 1/2 years, I have become a self proclaimed MASTER at finding ways to cure my boredom.  I hope to share many of those ideas here.  From streaming videos, to gaming, to surfing the Net.  Every so often, I'll find something that to me is just "WOW".  It may be a youtube video that catches my attention, or some band that the rest of the world has heard a million times, but I only just heard about them today. Much like the group Fun and their song We Are Young!

This video has 48.5 million views...since December.  WHY HAVEN'T I HEARD THIS SONG TILL NOW?  But I'm not going to be completely abandoning what got this blog started.  I will be doing my best every post to find some new streaming tv show/movie to feature.  And with that in mind...

Television Spotlight

Castle - ABC

I used to have a philosophy of not wanting to start a show in the middle of a season, or many times without watching it from season one.  Castle however has changed my mind.  While I originally started watching for Nathan Fillon (I've got a full on Mancrush), The drama and comedy will pull you in.  It's similar of most crime drama shows, but again, Nathan Fillon.....Here's a preview of the oldest show available on the ABC website.  Might as well start as far back as possible.

So...I'll get more into it next time, and until then...Just keep your eyes open!