Monday, January 23, 2012

Salvation Lies Within

The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons - Dostoyevsky

Some of the greatest narratives of the last 50 years have come from movies about prison and the escape thereof.  We can all relate, even if we're not criminals.  We have all had situations that we wanted to escape from, or relationships that felt more confining than the bars of a prison cell.  We're going behind bars in this week's Late Night Stream.

This week I'm also going to be adding a rental feature as well as the streaming features.  While the main focus of the blog will still be streaming entertainment there are just too many good movies out there not available on streaming.  I use Netflix for my rental and streaming needs but use whatever service or store you find convenient.

All the TV show streams will be available free on their networks website, and the movies will be available from Netflix streaming. I do not endorse or advocate illegal streams or downloads.

With all that said...on to the reason for my writing.


Fox has a new show from Executive Producer J.J. Abrams - Alcatraz.  The premise is quite interesting.  In March of 1963 Alcatraz shut it's doors and transferred all their prisoners off the island...only that's not what really happened. Alcatraz features Sam Neill and Sarah Jones in one of the coolest shows I've seen since Lost.

Alcatraz -

Netflix Streaming Spotlight

Escape from New York -

The top guest review on Netflix probably put it best:

There are two kinds of people in this world: Those who are attracted by the idea of a man named "Snake" going into the post-apocalyptic prison colony of New York to rescue the President from a neo-barbarian prison gang led by Issac Hayes, and those who are not. You know who you are.

Netflix streaming services are only $7.99 per month and you receive so much programming between Movies and TV shows it's a great bang for your buck.  (It works out to .26 cents a day)  If you don't already subscribe you can sign up HERE

Disc Rental Spotlight

Shawshank Redemption

This movie...words just can't describe but I'll try.  Stephen King's portrayal of prison in the 1940's follows Andy Dufresne, a man framed for the murder of his wife and her lover.  Starring Tim Robbins as Andy and Morgan Freeman as his friend Red, this story shows just how far a man will go when pushed to the limit.

Netflix has many different plans available from streaming only ($7.99/month), up to 8 discs at a time + streaming (DVD $51.98/month or Blu-Ray $60.98/month).  I personally get 1 blu-ray at a time + streaming which is $17.98/month).  Keep in mind that I don't get cable or dish and due to where I live am unable to receive any local channels via antenna.  I find that one disc is plenty for my needs, but you may want more or none at all.

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